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Old 06-09-2004, 08:27 PM
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cheebacheeba cheebacheeba is offline
That fucking Guy...

Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 7,088
So I'm not on ignore then? such a surprise...

I have no interest in making this an ongoing argument, I simply want you to acknowledge the fact it is not cool to just come in, and post a bunch of irrelevant bullshit on somebody elses thread.

I'm not trying to defend myself at all, I don't need to, my actions are totally justified.

Anybody in here who knows me, also knows that I don't just start in on people for "no apparent reason".
If the reason I was displeased with you isn't apparent enough, allow me to make it abundantly clear for you.

1 - The first thing I ever saw you do in here was trash my thread, the one in the games area. You know the one, it was when you first pretended to ignore me, ah, the memories...
Sure, I might've been a little surly about it, but I had cause, then you had to start in with the "you're family must be proud, as you've turned out just as big an idiot as them" shit, and had the nerve to question MY originality.

Other than that, you hadn't really pissed me off until...

"It's amazing the astounding ignorance of this individual"
- No basis whatsoever, making YOU more worthy of that description.

"cheebacheeba's kind obviously can't afford to direct or focus any attention anywhere but inward and will consistently remain juvenile, stagnant and bitter because of their own shortcomings, no matter what they do or say to convince themselves (or anyone else) otherwise."
- Again, you have no idea what my "kind" is, and the statement above DOES seem little complex a description for the immediate analysis of another person, especially one who you know as little about as me...In fact, it seems more like an inward reflection of your own problems.

"When you're done being aggressive for no apparent reason, cheeba cheeba, and you have something interesting to say, I'll listen. Until then, rant and rave and try to defend yourself all you like. Oh, and thank you for proving my point. Enjoy yourself and have a great day."


And in closing, I thought I'd point out that this isn't a rant, as I'd have attempted to discuss these things with you, had you not claimed I was on ignore, wouldn't I?
The door got in..:rolleyes:
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