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Old 12-19-2011, 06:29 PM
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Tangleduponblue Tangleduponblue is offline
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Originally Posted by neverending View Post
In the days of the double bill, most "b-movies" - the ones that showed after the first or "a-movie" were all around 60-75 minutes in length. If you're a good director you can tell a story well in a short time. In his early days Woody Allen said the perfect length for a comedy was 87 minutes- and if you look at every one of his films up to, I think Annie Hall, they're all exactly 87 minutes long.
Hmm I knew movies used to run shorter, but I didn't realize run times that short were that common-interesting.

My favorite movie of the last ten years, 'Children of Men', is only a hair over ninety minutes. It also meshes with what you said about needing a Director who's worth his salt, which Alfonso Cuaran is.

I guess they did something right with '30 minutes of less', as they left me wanting more, so the director and writer did their jobs.

That being said, 83 (counting credits)minutes still feels a little short. I'm having a tough time thinking of another decent comedy from the last 5-10 years which was that short. Does anything jump out in your mind?

Last edited by Tangleduponblue; 12-19-2011 at 07:55 PM.
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