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Old 09-08-2011, 06:44 PM
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neverending neverending is offline

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I seriously recommend By the Singing Creek. I've bought numerous copies of the book to give to people. You can read Opal's diaries online, but I really recommend Benjamin Hoff's edition (he's the guy that wrote The Tao of Pooh & The Te of Piglet) as he writes a lengthy essay explaining who Opal was, a whole biography, etc. He really makes her come to life on the page, so that when you finally read her diaries, you get so much more from them.

Part of the attraction for me is that she was born and raised in a little town in Oregon, which I lived in for a few years. It makes me feel even closer to her.

The Biological time bomb is written by a scientist who took the state of science at the time it was written and projects when new developments in science might become reality, and what effects they might have on society. We're talking about the stuff from science fiction. It's a bit outdated now, but it's still an amazing read. Some things he couldn't predict are the ravages of poor economy and backwards steps taken because of idiot politicians.

Geoffrey Mishlove was the first person to ever be awarded a Doctorate in Parapsycology, and his tome The Roots of Consciousness is his attempt to fuse all kinds of bizarre phenomina and beliefs into one cohesive theory. The book is massive and fascinating.
Lee Widener, Author Website

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