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Old 09-06-2011, 09:02 PM
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siorai siorai is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 192
Attack the Block:

Awesome movie. Probably the best movie I've seen all year. Seriously. The actors were great. The alien effects were understated, but worked perfectly. I can't really fund fault in this movie at all. Although I will say that Nick Frost really brought nothing to this film other than a "Oh hey! Look! It's that guy," kind of moment. But I guess they wanted at least one big name guy in the film to draw people in. Kinda too bad because the movie would hold up on its own quite well without him.

Red State:

This movie really should be titled "Red State (Or why Kevin Smith should stick to making comedies about sucking dick and fucking donkeys.) What a disappointment. Sure there are a ton of big name people in this. Big deal. The plot is boring, the movie doesn't feel the least bit fresh at all, and I really didn't care about a single character in the movie. A bad guy dies? Oh well. A good guy dies? *yawn* Plus it seemed like Smith was trying to pull a Tarantino by having some long, drawn out talking scenes. (He didn't pull it off.) Smith also tries to rip a page from Family Guy's schtick-book and have a few scenes of pure dead silence. (It was just as boring as when Family Guy does it so I guess he accomplished it.) In the end I was just glad the movie was over.
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