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Old 06-11-2011, 10:38 PM
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swiss tony swiss tony is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: belfast N.I.
Posts: 1,557
Wow, excellent work ___v___! Congrats Murder Doll. It's just a shame it's all over.

Here's an idea for continuing the series. One more tournament will mean we have 3 champions, then we can have a 'clash of champions' 3-way tournament to see who is the undisputed HDC showdown king.

It should only take another couple of years:)
top 10 movies
1. event horizon
2. ju on
3. suspiria
4. the exorcist
5. ringu
6. tcm
7. exorcist III
8. the omen
9. haute tension
10. creep