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Old 04-06-2011, 07:26 AM
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iSeymore iSeymore is offline
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Originally Posted by Eric923 View Post
lol.. man.. i signed up for an acct here just to post in this thread. Great topic.

I bought the Neca Jason figure a few weeks ago. and I'm not even a fan of the films. LOL.... i went to this shop to buy these Alien... and also Predator figures (not avp), and saw this Jason figure sitting there... and it looked so good I just had to buy it. When i got home and took it out of the package... it just blew me away... this is by far the best looking jason mask I have ever seen... it looks almost just like a full scale movie replica mask shrunk into a 6 inch scale.

I've seen the Mezco one in stores.. and the Neca one just blows it away's not even close.

The mezco jason could have just been a rare screw up. Cause sometimes Mezco does pretty decent in their Mike Myers and Leatherface stuff.

On a side note... I'm thinking of maybe getting a Neca Hall of Fame Mike Myers figure.. the one with the sheet..... do you guys think the Neca one is the best looking one? how do yo uthink the mezco one compares? I want one from Halloween 1.

Cheers guys.
Wow sorry for the late response.
I would love to own a NECA hall of fame Michael Myers figure from the original John Carpenter Halloween movie (1978), unfortunately the only figures I own are the Rob Zombie remake icon Michael Myers figure from NECA (2007) And the Mezco Halloween II (2009) figure, which I tend to like better, the detail is incredible as is the blood effects on the coveralls.
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