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Old 03-06-2011, 01:01 PM
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Ferox13 Ferox13 is offline
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I'll keep this to the discussion. I agree with ferox13 that I don't believe a commercially marketed snuff film exits. Yet anyway. I have no idea whether what people were saying was true I just think it is worrying that they are boasting about it. I reiterate what I said earlier in that it seems to be a dark side to human nature for some people to seek out a snuff film. I hope that they are reffering to the banned film "snuff" on IMDB. I haven't seen this myself but IMDB and others proved this was a hoax Take something like "Hostel" could such a thing really happen? Money does talk its own language. But I do think that the fact anyone who tried to market a snuff film would be instantly prosecuted is a huge factor. But if they could get away with it I think someone would actually do it.

Ferox13 View:
Do you really think so? How do you explain not a single film ever turning up, especially when police and law enforcement agencies have uncovered the most heinous types of child porn but never a commerially made snuff film.

siorai :

I just can't see any reason why it wouldn't. Like I said there is a market for anything and everything. Obviously people are interested in seeing violence. This board is absolute proof of that. Of course most of us prefer to keep the violence fake. But do you really think that there has never been someone who not only wanted to see a real death, but also had the means to make it happen? I fully agree with Fearonsarms in that "Money does talk its own language." With enough money at your disposal, anything is possible.

As for the films not turning up, I'm not sure. It's quite possible that some already have, but they get ignored as fakes. Look at Guinea Pig and Charlie Sheen. It's entirely within the realm of possibility to have the situation reversed. Someone finds a real snuff film, turns it in, and the authorities just think it's fake. It's pretty amazing how realistic films can be nowadays so the line of knowing if it's real or not can definitely get blurry. For example, August Underground's Mordum. There's some pretty damn realistic stuff happening in there. Bits and pieces could very easily be thought of as being real. So what's to say someone couldn't see something real and just determine (probably because they deep down don't want to admit the real possibility) that it's just another Mordum-type flick?

The other reason could very well be the hardcore illegality of them. You couldn't just stumble upon something like this. You would really have to know people who trust you implicitly to find out about this. It's not like you go to a party and happen to meet a coke dealer who's willing to upfront tell you he's a coke dealer and immediately sell you some. So I doubt you would see films just randomly being shown or loaned out to friends. It would be a very tight-knit circle of people involved. Look at child porn. It didn't just start within the last couple decades. It's only recently that it's come to the forefront and people are finding more and more of it mainly due to the internet. It's far too easy for people to screw up online and say something to the wrong person. The illusion of anonymity can make people say things they wouldn't face to face. It wouldn't surprise me if within the next 5-10 years we see real snuff be revealed for the same reasons.

Sure, it would be nice to believe that something as heinous as filming the death of someone for pure profit couldn't exist in this world, but this isn't the land of My Little Pony or the Care Bears unfortunately.
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