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Old 02-07-2011, 05:48 AM
missk missk is offline
Little Boo
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 3

Im new here and im not sure if this is the right place to post this,but I cant seem to find a section to post this question in - perhaps im not looking hard enough!!

Anyway, here goes.....

Im looking for the name of a horror film. I think it may be from the 70's. It was in colour. I remember being really young watching it, maybe about 6-7 years old, I am now almost 30! God knows why my mother used to let me watch these films with her!!!
Anyway, I only have a bit of info on it as I can't remember much about it with being so young!

What I can remember is that its about a man, and hes writing some kind of book - I think its a horror book. He's staying at some kind of big house/mansion. There are other people there, and they start getting killed/murdered.
I remember in one scene that he is in a room with some wierd looking woman and she possibly on a four poster bed and it has white see-through curtains around it.
Anyway, at the end, it turns out that the people who were killed or murdered are'nt actually dead and it was all some kind of set-up, like it was staged so he had something to write his book about!

I hope it actually was a real horror film - I was very young when I watched this and therefore wouldnt of understood properly what was going on if you know what I mean.

Anyway, any light shed on tis would be gratly appreciated!!
Thanks all :)