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Old 11-15-2010, 07:47 AM
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siorai siorai is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 192
Snuff: A Documentary About Killing on Camera: Somewhat interesting. Overall it didn't seem to bring too much new to the plate though. Mainly talking heads saying why they do or do not believe snuff exists. I did find it odd that even though they showed a few clips from Guinea Pig, they never actually mentioned Charlie sheen contacting the FBI about it. I found most of it to be mediocre at best, except for Mark L. Rosen's account of being presented a snuff film for possible distribution. His obvious emotion should cast aside any naive doubters when it comes to the question of whether or not snuff actually exists.

Isolation: Genetic experimentation goes horribly wrong on an isolated Irish dairy farm. Quite obviously preying on the fears of genetically modified foods this made for an alright movie. Nothing special, a fairly silly looking creature, and a painfully obvious ending made for an enjoyable enough movie.
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