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Old 10-27-2010, 12:27 AM
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SodaGirl SodaGirl is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Iowa
Posts: 123
Pet Semetary - I haven't seen it in over a decade because I find it so creepy. It's time to revisit this movie and see if it still scares me. Plus, my husband has never seen it.

Dread - When I asked about Horrorfest movies on here, many people posted it was one of the few worth watching. I was having trouble finding something good that I've never seen, so this will do.

May - I love it but haven't seen it in quite a while. It's another my husband has never seen but I've always thought he would enjoy it because it's so quirky.

That's all I know for sure, we're also planning to watch the Walking Dead premiere on AMC.
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