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Old 10-15-2010, 06:57 PM
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cheebacheeba cheebacheeba is offline
That fucking Guy...

Join Date: Nov 2003
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Looking for this movie. Not sure if its 80s or 90s. Probably 80s. But this woman gets locked in a mall with a guy that carries an ax with him and he stalks her through this mall. The only real part I remember about this movie is her going into a room and a baboon being in that room and her being scared.
I don't know about this at all...but back in the day at the video hire place, a few times I picked up the cover to something called "Chopping Mall" which would seem an appropriate title for what you've described...?
On the baboon thing, there WAS a horror film I saw a while ago where something like a baboon was after people...shakma or something like that?
Anyways, this is probably of no help.

I have one.
Not a horror movie, I'd say late 80's early 90's, kind of had the feel of a "tv movie" or "miniseries" but I could be wrong there.
All I remember was that it was about a girl and a boy (girl was teen, boy was a bit younger) facing off against some poachers?
Just had a brief thought of it...though cannot remember much at all.
May have been set in Africa, though the cast was white...
The door got in..:rolleyes:
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