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Old 10-14-2010, 12:43 PM
Jmat Jmat is offline
Little Boo
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 2
90s demon comedy

Looking for a cheesy movie from, I think, the mid 90s. It is not the cheesy demon movie with the guy who played Malory's boyfriend on Family Ties)

It was definitely more goofy and funny than scary but it was demon-themed. It takes place in "modern day." No real major actors that I can recall. There are these two guys who are kind of demon-hunter, ghost buster type guys. One guy is is the main character and is more serious and the other guy is kind of the jocky, screw up type guy. It definitely has some of the typical buddy movie type elements.

Plotwise, as best as I can remember there were various lesser demons that were either possessing people or they just appeared as regular people. I want to say that the demons just sort of looked like humans and then sort of popped out of their skins a la Guyver, but maybe I'm just thinking of Guyver.

They had contact with some sort of mentor figure who is kind of hefner-esque but he dies and is then reincarnated as an approximately twelve year old boy who lives in a cave, but still retains his prior lifestyle. He smokes cigars, is surrounded by beautiful women, bemoans the fact that he's a 12 year old boy, etc. This is really just one scene but it sticks in my head.

The whole demon thing is being run by some kind of sorceror/wizard guy. The wizard guy captures the main characters girlfriend (of course) and takes her to his mansion. He performs a ritual which awakens/summons some sort of super demon which the two guys fight. The demon is essentially a bad cgi dragon. This was definitely early days for cgi and they blew most of the non-existent budget on the demon. In the end they prevail and the guy gets the girl. I remember there is a final scene where the sidekick guy stops in a gas station and meets up with some hot girl and I'm pretty sure we may know from earlier in the movie that she's a demon.

Any ideas?
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