Thread: Italian Horror
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Old 06-15-2010, 11:08 AM
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Aperion Aperion is offline
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Posts: 43
Italian Horror

Well, my Full Moon features addiction has abated, and for the past couple months I have transitioned to a full blown addiction to any and all Italian horror, so far I've seen (and highly recommend to anyone):


Due occhi diabolici
L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo
Non ho sonno
Profondo Rosso (with English subtitles)
La terza madre
Door Into Darkness

Bava, Lamberto:

Dèmoni 2 L'incubo ritorna

Bava, Mario:

I Vampiri
La maschera del demonio
Sei donne per l'assassino


E tu vivrai nel terrore - L'aldilà
Paura nella città dei morti viventi
Un Gato Nel Cervello (i volti del terrore)
Manhatten Baby
Quando Alice ruppe lo specchio
Una lucertola con la pelle di donna
Non si sevizia un paperino
Quella villa accanto al cimitero


Dellamorte Dellamore
La Chiesa
La Setta

I love all these movies, I only wish I came to them sooner, but if I had its likely I wouldn't have appreciated them. I cannot recommend these enough, if you consider yourself a fan of horror you owe it to yourself to watch as much of these films as you can.

The reason many American slasher films exist is because of a lot of these movies, many of the cliches were invented here (especially in Mario Bava giallos). Except in these films they were done with style and good direction. And much wonderful gore, lol.

Now a few questions:

1) Does anyone know where and/or what specific DVD releases of any of these movies have spoken Italian language with English subtitles?

I've only found a couple. I really want to watch Fulci's 'Paura nella città dei morti viventi' (City of the Living Dead) and 'Quella villa accanto al cimitero' (House by the Cemetery) in Italian - the English dubbing is just awful. This is also a really great way to learn Italian, I watched Argento's Pofondo Rosso with English subs, it was great.

2) Are there any glaring omissions to my list? I know there are at least a handful more Mario Bava films I need to watch. Any other euro-horror I should check out?
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