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Old 05-18-2010, 10:21 PM
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Bastet Bastet is offline
Masoch's mistress
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Midlands, Uk
Posts: 311
Originally Posted by milktoaste View Post
I heard a bump in the night,
not unlike the old cliche,
but when you actually hear it,
when you actually hear that crisp clear sound of something when there is nothing there,
that sound is truly terrifying.
I quickly compiled a list of excuses,
I even invented 'real world' explanations,
and after some time I convinced myself I'd heard nothing at all.
Back under my comforter,
back into my comfortable position,
I found myself drifting happily back to sleep.
That is when I heard my name.
It sounds as if you are writing from the position of a small child. :cool:
The (fallen) Angel of your nightmare.
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