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Old 08-24-2009, 12:36 AM
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Elvis_Christ Elvis_Christ is offline

Join Date: Dec 2003
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M.A.S.K stuff ruled. I've still got the Venom team black pick up truck one on my shelf. Still got a Knight Rider car too.

I was always a big fan of movie/TV tie in stuff had Karate Kid figures, Rambo, Aliens and a bunch of WWF characters, Masters Of The Universe, Tranformers, G.I Joe. I'd love to have some of that stuff back again but I destroyed most of 'em having wars :D

What were the cars that hand animal claws come out of the tires? Had one of those I loved too.

I remember being pretty big on Star Wars stuff too. Some of the ones I had as a kid must be worth a bit now. But yeh I blew a bunch of shit like that up with fireworks after school.

Loved the realistic looking water pistols/cap guns. Most of them ended up being pulled from the shelves after a bunch of robberies made it onto the news... never got that myself. I be like "Fuck off dude thats a water pistol".
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