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Old 12-26-2008, 10:15 PM
Phalanx Phalanx is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 3,677
Bah- Sin City was inspired by The Spirit.
Yup. The Eisner stuff goes waaay back.
That said, I'm sure the movie came out not so much because of the currently running SPIRIT comic, but the success of the sin city film.

Benny and Joon (1993) - 9/10.

Great movie, probably my new favourite Johnny Depp film.
Yeah, back before Depp overacted EVERYTHING HE TOUCHED.
One of my personal favourites too, nice semi-chick-flick.

Ok, so I watched "Burn after Reading". It was funny, entertaining, but...the whole thing with the "no ending/up in the air" kind of annoys me, sure we got an explanation just no feeling of resolution.
It was a GOOD film though, and fun to watch.

I also watched, for the first time I've seen ANY, Phantasm.
I wouldn't really call it all that horror-ish, more a supernatural thriller.
But yeah...a pretty cool little film, I love horror offerings from around this time.
This movie does EERIE very well.
Nice soundtrack, even if a tad inspired by the exorcist
I'm glad I watched this, and I'll be checking out the sequels shortly.
If you've not yet seen it, and like films along the lines of "something wicked this way comes" and (not so much so) "invaders from mars", you'd probably get right into this one.
It's not the bullet with your name on it you have to worry's all those other ones marked
"to whom it may concern."
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