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Old 12-17-2008, 07:50 PM
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novakru novakru is offline
Waste Disposer
Join Date: Jul 2005
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I am going to project the rating on my next 3 flix from netflix,

and then rate them after to see if I was dead on...


Revolver: probably will hate it, and want to throw up from pointless unexpected blood spurting from someone's mouth at the same time I am taking a sip of something. Will have PTSD from the extreme violence which I have not built up a tolerance for lately with all the fucking Barney watching going on at my home.

The Last Legion: will most likely be pleasantly surprised and want to buy this one because I have no idea why this title is even coming to me because I do not remember ever looking at it or putting it into my cue. Reading the blurbs doesn't shake any memories either.

The Forbidden Kingdom: will love this even if it sucks donkey dick because I am toast when it comes to anything with swords nowadays.
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