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Old 10-31-2008, 05:11 AM
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Vodstok Vodstok is offline
Fear scented candle
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: The edge of forever
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Games that scare/scared you

Its All Hallows Eve, so i figured this would be a good time to talk about games that scared the ever living shit out of you. I am thinking more of games that filled you with an overall sense of dread through out rather than a few jumping moments.

For starters:

FEAR. Of course. Although it has some of the best all out action of any game i have ever played, the sequences with Alma, Paxton and the Shades (for lack of a better term) Have in some cases left me shaking. They managed to take everything that was scary about movies like the Ring and put them into a game. The Add-on Extraction Point builds on the original game perfectly, and when two of the character's from the original meet their end in it, it is heartbreaking for one, and just pants-shitting scary for the other. If you havent played it, go get it.

Quake. Between the zombies fiends and shamblers, i would sit in a protected corner for minutes soemtimes waiting to get the courage to get chased down and slaughtered. And of course, the fiends always liked to attack in the dark or in hallways with strobes...

They Hunger, 1,2,3:
The greatest Single PLayer mod ever for any game, ever. Neil Manke and his team were obviously die hard fans of classic horror movies and NOTLD. It is one of the most atmospheric games I have ever played. What it lacks in sophistication it more than makes up for in originality and great zombie kills.
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