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Old 04-22-2004, 09:38 PM
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Arioch Arioch is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Terminal Dogma
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It seems to me that the generation of women in their early twenties are kind of confused. They've been brought up by their parents who practised 'old fashioned' rules and values while being bombarded with the modern views of the sex roles. And, sadly to say, instead of choosing one, many women have decided to take the best of both worlds. I often dated girls who worked full time while I was an unemployed full time student. Some were 'moderate' feminist, and often found a way to blame their problems on the men around them. IN spite of all this, they would still expect me (the unemployed student) to pay for just about everything we did because 'thats how men are supposed to treat a lady'. So, they made more money than me, expected equality in the work place, but still insisted on me paying for everything.
If i go on a date to a movie, not only do i have to pay, but i also have to watch a movie of the womans choice. If i go out for dinner, not only do i have to pay, but i go to a restaurant of the womens choice.
What exactly am I getting out of this relationship?

I'll tell you what i'm getting. Only one thing. Sex! This is why Bill Maher referes to relationships as legal prostitution. And, being that women like sex as much as men, (they just pretend they don't) you can see that women get one hell of a lot more out of a relationship than the man does. Like i said at the top of this post, obviously not all women are like this. But, from my experience, more are like this than you would think.

What does this do to men? Well, some turn into the 'pussy wipped' men that are pretty much their womans slave. Others just turn very angry and resentful towards woman. And then there is those that actually find a great woman and live happily ever after. Im not saying it doesnt happen, we should all be so lucky. But im tired of the huge double standard at work here.

"you say women are smarter than men? yea!yea! round of a appluase, you say men are smarter than women? your fucking booed off stage"

Last edited by Arioch; 04-22-2004 at 09:40 PM.