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Old 04-22-2004, 06:45 PM
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Re: Woman Gives Self C-Section With Knife

Originally posted by bloodrayne
Woman Gives Self C-Section With Knife
Mother Had Lost Child Before During Childbirth

CHICAGO -- Doctors say a rural Mexican woman used her farming skills to perform a Caesarean section on herself -- and delivered a healthy baby boy.

The effort is described as "heroic."

The authors of a medical journal report said there are cases of women performing Caesareans on themselves, but none where mother and child both survived.

The woman lived in a dirt-floor house with no electricity or running water and was alone when she went into labor with her ninth child.

There were complications, and the woman's experience slaughtering animals helped her perform the crude C-section. Having lost a baby during childbirth, she was determined to save this one.

She was later taken to a hospital, where a nurse closed the incision with an ordinary needle and thread.

just goes to show women are NOT the weaker sex. glad her and the baby r doing good though. that took guts


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