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Old 04-21-2004, 07:54 PM
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Oh you have no idea how bad!

One day if it comes on TV at 4AM, you should watch it just to feel grateful that better movies have been made and it did not turn away horror fans from ever going to see another again... that bad.

I agree with you on Blade. Although I am a horror fan, I am not a big vampire fan anyway. Tey just don't scare me. Sorry I can't help it. I do like some campy ones though. I also really liked the book Salem's Lot and thought it was pretty creepy!
Don't want to offend you vampire people, but Dark Shadows just gave me a whole other perspective, and it was funny.

Let's Scare Jessica To Death is a creepy one though. Earlier than my generation .

For the record...... I like a story that is so original that I couldn't have thought of it myself. To me, that is a good movie!
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