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Old 06-16-2008, 08:56 PM
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Roderick Usher Roderick Usher is offline
HDC Sole Survivor!!

Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Underneath the Bed
Posts: 7,012
why is it that when I Google NECROMAGICKAL, all I get is some dude's Bloody-Disgusting profile page?

Not really a reliable review source there

And "We are no longer shocked by the visual presence of torture and death" doesn't quite ring true. We are no longer shocked by the torture and/or death of characters with whom we have no emotional connection.

Make us care about the character and a hangnail can be effective.

Shock for shock's sake is the only thing to which we've truly become numb.
"Little, vicious minds abound with anger and revenge, and are incapable of feeling the pleasure of forgiving their enemies."
Earl of Chesterfield

"A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green, which otherwise would heal and do well."
Francis Bacon
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