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Old 05-08-2008, 07:18 PM
Phalanx Phalanx is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 3,677
- Land of the Dead (return to fiddlers green-)
I thought it was "road to"...I wonder if that's the same version I had on pc?
Quite atmospheric, but a little repetetive?
- I'd like to see a few more zombie games like this one, for the better part (aside from the aforementioned repetition, and a completely dissapointing final scene IMO) it was a pretty good game.

Oh yeah, work gave me something called "Patapon", the latest in the range of "interesting" games from Sony Japan. It's not quite locoroco, but it's a bit strange and unusual, the gf seems to be enjoying it. Play if you can remember patterns.
It's not the bullet with your name on it you have to worry's all those other ones marked
"to whom it may concern."
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