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Old 04-13-2004, 01:21 AM
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Arioch Arioch is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Terminal Dogma
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A bit of sarcasm leading on to my dislike of Buffy and Angel. I think they are stupid supremo. Sorry if it didn't tickle your humour bumps like it did mine. Just because it deals with the whole supernatural gig doesn't make it horror, and I hardly find it scary. At all, in the least, whatsoever. It drama is gaggy, too.

Yeah, I expect to be attacked by wild fangirls/boys any moment after I post this. I'll just get my holy water ready.
Agreed. And no need to turn this into a flame war or anything, but it reallly doesnt do any justice to vampires or anything else it deals with. Its like 7th heaven about vampires, it really hurts the subject matter and Horror in general.

But many people on this board like it, i guess it appeals to those age groups:rolleyes: Hey so does American Idol tho so what do I know...
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