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Old 12-14-2007, 03:59 PM
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Originally Posted by jenna26 View Post
:p I have found that, not in general, but the Lynch films I dislike, I seem to REALLY dislike. But I love Blue Velvet. Those are the two extremes for me, right there, when it comes to Lynch. Blue Velvet worked for me, and worked incredibly well. Mulholland Dr. really didn't.
Yeah, I would say that Blue Velvet is certainly his movie opus (I am a HUGE Twin Peaks fan), hands down (Eraserhead just... bothers me, though I'll have to catch it again, and Lost Highway was SO overrated). Mulholland Dr., however, really worked for me... I can definitely understand why people HATED it because I would say, in regards to Lynch's more recent films, this was the most self-conscious and indulgent at the same time... I felt, particularly toward the end, he was breaking down the fourth wall and nodding to the audience as if to say, "Yeah, that's right. I AM David Lynch," though honestly I feel he is also lampooning himself in a way and that I appreciate.

I always liked the film, but it wasn't until I went to L.A. and rented a truck and drove the WHOLE of Mulholland Dr. (from late afternoon into the dark of the evening) that I REALLY appreciated the film... L.A. is such a strange little town filled with quirks and contradictions (from the tack of the Strip to the ranches in the canyons), that I feel that he was almost trying to capture part of the feeling and abstract nature of L.A. and Hollywood itself in a film... And that, to me was brilliant.

But I digress...

Originally Posted by jenna26 View Post
LOL....sorry, I don't mean to NAG.... But I don't think you will be sorry. I do think I made a big mistake when I watched the remake. We watched the original first (my husband had never seen it) then immediately watched the remake. That opinion somewhat. Not much, mind you, but I doubt I would hate it QUITE as much, if I would have waited awhile after revisiting a film that I had so much love for for the first time in a couple years.
No need to apologize... I just find it really REALLY funny (I'm a huge fan of repetition)... And BELIEVE ME, Jenna... you'll be the first to know when I actually see it.



Today I worked from home and took FULL advantage of the Free movies that On Demand had to offer (I DID accomplish a lot workwise, though... I was keeping them on as... background noise... hee hee... I actually selected movies that I had already seen PURPOSEFULLY so that I wouldn't feel so bad having them in the background)...

Event Horizon

One of my favorite horror movies, hands down, I find Event Horizon was sadly overlooked when it came out.

  • It appeals both to my HORROR and geeky scifi sensibilities, and does so well. I appreciate the gritty vision of the crew, which is definitely a throwback to Alien.
  • It stars Sam Neil... My dear Dr. Grant. A wonderful villian.
  • The characters are genuine and LIKEABLE without being overly silly.
  • The "horror" aspects of the film REALLY get to me. The ship literally HAUNTS everyone, appealing to all of their weaknesses. The visions of memories fill me incredible horrified pathos. Brilliant.
  • The concept and brief depiction of infinite Hell... Absolutely horrifies me. Now, I'm not a religious person, by any means (I'm an Atheist), but the concept of infinite and ETERNAL suffering - that's just... horrifying. And this movie made me consider it for the first time. *shiver*
  • Haunted house brought to a ship. Again, very Alien, but done very well. Isolation and alienation was done INCREDIBLY well.

The bit that bothers me:
WHY would you make a ship with so many sharp points?!

Despite that, I love this movie. LOVE it. A-/A


The Craft

Wow. I haven't seen this movie since high school. What a fun little flick. Not to mention, it's refreshing to see witch movies that aren't silly. I think that it works as a witch/horror film as well as a teen high school movie. Toward the end, I feel pathos for their victims, and I actually feel THREAT from the avenging witches, which is actually pretty impressive. And, not to mention, Fairuza Balk is HELLA hot.



The Wizard

PURE nostalgia. I hadn't seen this movie since my DAD took me when it was in the theater... :) And that was BEFORE Mario 3 came out (good marketing campaign for Nintendo).

WOW I had forgotten that Christian Slater was in that movie... I love the little random films that he's done.

But anyway... It's a fun little kids movie. Definitely appealed to me as a Nintendo junkie. Not sure if it withstood the test of time, BUT it was fun to revisit nonetheless.

B (includes extra points for nostalgia)

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