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Old 06-08-2007, 10:36 AM
sarah p sarah p is offline
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Posts: 34
Originally Posted by nightmare_of _death View Post
The Nightmare on Elm Street movies do get repetative, but so do the Friday the 13th, and Halloween films, I do not like the 5th Nightmare on Elm street they ruined it with the 3D partialy also cause I cannot see in 3D cause I am blind in one eye. I havent really seen the Friday the 13th movies but bits and pieces. But still the repetivness. The one main thing that ruined the Halloween fils is I think it is the 3rd one I cannot quite remeber,the one were it is the kids and the masks if they watch a commercial there heads will explode it did not enclude Micheal at all I was really upset.
I have seen the American versions of The Ring but not the Japanese verions I want to though.
You have to se the Japense versions they are soooooo much better than the American ones. Which were realy quite bad. As for sequels they are rarely as good as the original. Some other good asian films are Dark Water, A Tale of Two Sisters, The Eye. These films rely on suspence not just gore which is really good.
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