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Old 03-16-2004, 05:08 PM
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Nightmarian Nightmarian is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Montreal, Canada
Posts: 61
Wow, am I really going into this...

Okay then, Underworld wasn't a horror movie in any point. It was as many mentionned, much more of a Action Movie and a highly Matrix inspired one too. The only differecne is that the characters are vampirea and lycantrops instead of humans, that'ds abou it.
The whole vampires against lupines thing is alright though, just like it is pictures in both myths. The fact that you get plenty of guns and high tech stuff is alright too. They're making a movie in a "today" plan, so that's how it had to be played. For those of you who wanted it to be made 200 years before, stop living in the past. LIVE IN TO NOW!! Vampires and lupines can be pistured in just about any era.
The story was also alright. High paced, lots of action and fights, just like a good action movie needs to be. The classic love/hatred between main characters also served well the base of the movie.

So in conclusion, Underworld was a good action movie, A-1 if you class it that way. If you are waiting for a horror movie though, be ready for a big deception. It's a pretty darn bad horror movie, because it WASN'T MEANT TO BE ONE AYWAY!!!

And since you just leeched it from some bit torrent peer to peer site, see it, it's well worth your $$
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