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Old 04-09-2007, 01:20 PM
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swiss tony swiss tony is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: belfast N.I.
Posts: 1,557
jaws is one of the greats. its one of those movies that psychologically affected those that saw it at the time. in the same way that psycho and blair witch did. mass avoidance of the perceived danger. with jaws the sea, with psycho the hotel shower, with blair witch the woods. you make me feel old. can't believe i'm conversing with someone who has only heard of jaws. in short, comparing the two is like comparing 2001:a space odyssey to return of the jedi. i do envy you in a way. i've seen most of the already made movies that i wanna see whereas you've obviously only scratched the surface. good luck!:)
top 10 movies
1. event horizon
2. ju on
3. suspiria
4. the exorcist
5. ringu
6. tcm
7. exorcist III
8. the omen
9. haute tension
10. creep

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