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Old 02-26-2007, 03:46 AM
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Ash's_evil_hand Ash's_evil_hand is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Hull, Yorkshire, UK
Posts: 195
OmcDave - recommendadtions needed!

So, Dave, being a bit of an expert on the Asian horror genre - and bearing in mind the sort of thing I've been watching - any recommendations? Ones I've seen so far: Audition, Oldboy, Guinea Pig 1, Tetsuo, The Freezer, The Eye, Ju-on 1 & 2 and Ringu 1 & 2, Battle Royale 1 & 2, Ichi the Killer and Imprint. Probably more, but my mind is a fuzz today.

What I'm really looking for is the sort of extreme nastiness of Imprint / Audition. Or the sheer spookiness of Ju-on.
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