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Old 12-28-2006, 08:15 AM
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alkytrio666 alkytrio666 is offline

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Mean Streets (1973)

What does everyone think about this movie? I saw it yesterday for the first time, and I liked it, but I didn't love it, like I had heard I would.

It was cool seeing some early signs of Scorsese-isms, such as a constant use of music (including some by his trademarked Rolling Stones) and gritty violence. It was nice, too, to see a life that wasn't all fun and games and riches. Unlike Goodfellas or Casino, these Little Italy street gangsters were just trying to survive. Mean Streets felt more real to me.

That being said, the film seemed sloppy, and I don't mean picture quality or budget problems. It just felt a little too messy, and it didn't seem like Scorsese had his shit 100% together when filming it.

All in all it's a must-see for Scorsese fans, but if you just want an entertaining movie for the night, I think you're better off with Goodfellas, Raging Bull, or Taxi Driver.
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