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Old 12-24-2006, 12:04 PM
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psycho_butthead psycho_butthead is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: WV
Posts: 104
Originally Posted by Mr. Malevolence View Post
1. What draws you to watch J-Horror over other World Cinema?

2. Why do you feel that the conventions of J-Horror create such a scary movie?

3. What are your opinions on Japanese Cinema being re-made in America?
1.j-horror is the only horror that actually scares me. its the only think that creeps me out. also most of their ideas are very original. i dont see the same moviie being copied numerous times like i do with american horror movies.

2.j-horror is so scary because their culture is completely different from ours or anyone elses. their legnds,myths,fears,beliefs, and just daily life are different from ours. they fear more spiritual things then they do physical things. bu when they do get to that aspect of horror its very creepy because they use what they know will scare us.

3. j-horror being remade in america is very popular. but i dont like it. i think they should leave that genre alone and not remamke those films. i also think the american remakes make the asian horror loose its credibility of being serious.
__________________ Look at your creation,Under constant sedation.Cut and made to bleed,Off my wounds you continue to feed.You tell me your sorry with those lying eyes,Then pull out a knife which is no surprise.Teasing the blade accross my throat,Slowly sliding me out of my coat.
Blood slowly runs down my chest,Mezmerized by my pale skin yet you look impressed.
You raise the knife above my chest,Wispering words to my heart of theft.Welcome to the my world,The blade of that knife is the last thing my heart held.
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