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Old 12-14-2006, 06:24 AM
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slayer666 slayer666 is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 809
1. What draws you to watch J-Horror over other World Cinema?

Nothing. I do not select Japanese horror over other Asian horror. In fact, I tend to like Korean films as much or better as Japanese films. I also watch films from a variety of non-Asian countries. What draws me to watch Asian horror over American horror is that I like ghost stories, and Asian directors are doing these well while America seems stuck on torture at the moment.

2. Why do you feel that the conventions of J-Horror create such a scary movie?

From someone used to American horror, the conventions get too predictable. By moving into Asian (or most international) horror, one encounters entirely different conventions. Also, without big-budget special effects, stories seem to get better. American films seem to be about CGI first and story second. Since this drives me crazy, I seek films from other counties who don't make this mistake.

3. What are your opinions on Japanese Cinema being re-made in America?

That's easy - I think it is terrible. First, the American remakes rarely credit the original so it isn't even a good way to increase familiarity with the original. Second, it keeps American audiences dumb by catering to their refusal to endure subtitles, learn about foreign cultures, etc. Most Americans grow up knowing virtually nothing about other counties, and this shows in our foreign policy. Third, I'm guessing the American directors who remake the films earn way more money than their Asian counterparts, and this just doesn't seem fair.
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