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Old 10-28-2003, 06:32 AM
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Originally posted by Ulyaoth
Easily one of the best zombie movies ever, though Dawn of the Dead takes the cake imo. Pity that there's only one actually good DVD out for it (Elite), the rest bloody terrible.

Double pity that the black guy got such terrible roles afterwards. Just goes to show you how fickle Hollywood is.

Zombie horror doesn't get much better than the trowel scene, especially when you consider that romero didn't have that much zombie mythos to work from, if any. Making the child a zombie was a genius touch.

"I hurt."
Anchor Bay put out a pretty good DVD edition of this too.

They also released another version with extra footage that was shot a couple years ago. The added footage sucks big time but the transfer is incredible.
"You think that when you die you go to heaven. You come to US!."
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