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Old 09-08-2006, 06:06 PM
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Re: Finaly It Hit Me!!

Originally posted by vmr128
Finaly ever since my wierd clone idea i finaly came up with the perfect horror movie/documentary!!! I was at a friends house when i was reading wierd pennsylvannia i read the verry first entry: Dvils rode and cult house. and alsow the second entry the skull roots and i was in a room with my friend who totaly agread with this and my verry religeous friend who i want to ask to come. I need a full crew i have sme family members to ask and im getting a camra this december but i think this movie would make a great idea. Here is some of the legend:

There is a rode so errie in pennsylvania that the trees all grow up straight and then almost hit a 90 degree angle and legend said that satan himself screamed down the rode and affter that the trees grew at an angle. At the end of the rode lies the large CULT HOUSE. Around the house there are many signs covered with KKK and satanic (traditional) graffite. People have driven down the rodes and said to be chaced away by red pick up trucks they say are just waiting for you. One person saw the faces of some of these people, black slik hair, pale white skin and eye that zare ... pure white, as iff rolled all the way back. at night you can hear the worshiping. while beingchaced off the rode at night the drves can drive without head lights in the almost pitch dark on the wavy rodes. Legened has it every halloween night ... they sacrifice a live human for there lord satan. All the worshipers live in the house so no one every sees them leave. Once a man was being fallowed by a truck and he pulled over and so did the truck, an old man came out constintly asking if the man was a ghost each time the man denied.

That is part of the legened of devils rode and cult house. post idea if you think this is a pretty good/ok movie.
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