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Old 07-18-2006, 06:10 AM
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Originally posted by slasherman
..Lord of the Rings movies is a perfect example....
I think the reason so many people liked those movies (including myself) was because they have read the books numerous times and love them and the characters so much, that no matter what the movie was like, they were just over-excited to see them on screen.

in that respect, I wouldn't say the movies were overrated, they just had a built-in audience (as they say) that was going to love them no matter what. a good example of that is the Star Wars prequels. I loved the first prequel the first time I saw it, but it was just because I was so stoked to see a new Star Wars movie. upon repeated viewings, it slowly revealed itself to be terrible (in my opinion).
Oh, parlez-nous à boire, non pas du marriage

Last edited by knife_fight; 07-18-2006 at 06:13 AM.
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