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Old 06-02-2006, 11:58 AM
joshaube joshaube is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Dec 2005
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Kill Bill V.2


Let's just say "Fuck you Tarantino, for your fucked up, suspense drawn piece of shit sequel to a literally astonishing, amazing piece of art, that completely thrashed the original in all aspects."

That said, the acting was good, and the bitch got her eye pulled out. Hoofuckinray.

There's one fight scene that lasts 3 minutes, then just a bunch of talk for the ENTIRE 2 AND A HALF HOURS.
Ouch! This is, however, probably a good example of how people's tastes differ. Kill Bill v. 2 is not a sequel, by the way. Both movies are one film, and are cut into seperate parts due to the runtime being HUUUGE. Saying that, the two parts are very different films. One is action, the other is drama. Or some mix of that. You have to admit that both of the films are well done - whether you prefer one or the other. I guess you just really aren't a fan of slow-paced movies. Watch one after the other - and maybe you'll enjoy them more. I liked both parts equally, but leaned more toward part 2.
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