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Old 06-01-2006, 05:56 PM
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noctuary noctuary is offline
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Re: what in the world?????????

Originally posted by scaredsilly
how can you love horror and not love stephen king. i'm 24 now and i've loved him since i was about 9. first book ever read geralds game. first movie that blew me away needful things. if you don't like him then obviously you just don't get him and that's cool not everyone is the same.

favorite book: all he ever made and every 1 i ever read. :)
God, I can't stand this attitude. "If you don't like it, that means you just don't understand it." I mean, Stephen King is not J.G. Ballard. His work is not that hard to "get." Some people just don't like him, end of story. I think some of his stuff is good, maybe even great. But he's far from the best.
And no matter what I say I cannot resist or betray it. No one could do so because there is no one here. There is only this body, this shadow, this darkness.
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