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Old 05-20-2006, 11:13 AM
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alkytrio666 alkytrio666 is offline

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Originally posted by The_Return
Im proud of myself...I went to Blockbuster, I looked through the used bin, and as usual there was nothing worth buying. Usually that wouldnt stop me and I'd grab something anyway, based on the philosphy "It's cheap, how could I go wrong?". But no, I resisted and didnt buy anything.

Instead, I rented 3 movies for the price it would have cost to buy 1:

- Vertigo
- Rear Window
- To Catch a Theif

I havent seen very many Hitchcock movies, and I want to fix that.
The first two are hands down the two greatest Hitchcock movies ever. Both are, quite simply, amazing.

(I have a giant Vertigo poster and a t-shirt :) )

I went to a garage sale today and got three VHS tapes, each for a buck.

-Taxi Driver
-Treasure of the Sierra Madre
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