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Old 05-16-2006, 07:36 AM
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cheebacheeba cheebacheeba is offline
That fucking Guy...

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I think they were more 8-bit characters, but was funny...loved how fry played off the videogames as a "new" concept to him...

Thinking of the ol' 16-bit...I think I've mentioned all but one of my favourites but one...I'll get to that in a moment...but, how about the Disney games?
Honestly, I think disney (to a lesser extent WB - They get props for the cool tiny toons game) had their best games ever during the 16-bit era.
Aladdin, the Lion King, the continuation of the "illusion" series (2player world of illusion was GREAT), Mickey Mania...those are just what comes mind at the moment (can you guys think of more), but probably the last one of my all-time favourite games that I can recall from the 16BE would have to be "Quack-shot", the other day, it just occured to me, and I started thinking about how excellently well done this game was, music, rpg elements, combat, difficulty level, fun, and depth. Fun back then, still fun on emulator. Anyone played it?
The door got in..:rolleyes:
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