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Old 05-12-2006, 05:14 PM
Posts: n/a
Question Jason Prequel?!!

Everyone knows how parts 5,7,8,9 and 10 were so stupid because the directors wanted something new, but didn't have a clue how to do that and maintain the story line of Jason Vorhees!!

Now they want to jump on the "PREQUEL" bandwagon, huh? Well, it worked for Star Wars, Batman, and Hannibal Lecter, why won't it work for the most famous horror icon Jason Vorhees?

I'll tell you why, if they go ahead with this insane idea, the next Friday movie will be just another "I just bought it to have the complete set" addition to the franchise.

First of all, anyone who seen the first Friday movie, knows exactly how Jason came to be and for Jason's story, that is plenty enough. He was a mongoloid kid that the other kids picked on in summer camp (And probably other places before he arrived at Crystal Lake!!). We all know how mean kids can be, big deal.

Secondly, the only way they can tell this story of Jason Vorhees, the boy, is to have the other kids be mean to him through the entire movie until that fateful last push into the lake and he drowns. Sounds like a Disney movie without the downing. YAWN !!!!

And finally, from a money making standpoint, if this prequel makes it to theaters (Which I don't think will happen), what do they (the people who came up with this idea) think will happen when the first people who see it (if they can stay awake that long) will tell their friends who haven't seen it? "Hey Jim, I just saw the new Friday the 13th movie." "Really?! What was it about?" (At this point, most of us would normally say "go see it, I don't want too ruin the story" , but because the viewer knows he got ripped off and doesn't want to see his friend fall to the same fate, he says...) "I watched a little boy get bullied until the bullies pushed him into Crystal Lake." And when it comes out on DVD, he'll stand there in the isle, looking at it shaking his head and saying, "I hate to spend good money on it, but I have to add it to my collection."

I am a huge fan of Friday the 13th, and I do have all of them on DVD. But I only watch 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and Jason vs Freddy on a regular basis. I watch the whole series only on Halloween, its a tradition of sorts. And I would love to see another Friday movie in theaters, but come on!!!! We need someone to give the series life and be creative, but still maintaining the story of the past Friday movies. Not selling out by doing what other filmakers have done with other franchises. It's all apples and oranges, what worked for one or more franchises will probably not work for others. I just want to see a good Friday the 13th movie without Freddy or any other novelties. Appearently the shot callers believe that there are no more stories to be told without novelties. That is just a shame.
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