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Old 01-30-2004, 02:33 PM
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Sam The Egg Sam The Egg is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: The U.K.
Posts: 5,711
fuck it.

that was the end of Freddy Krueger or not
For when the stadium was closed a little black puddle
shot through the air then formed into Freddy Krueger
and he yelled"AM STILL ALIVE!HHAAAAAHHH!!!!!"
NO FUCKING SHIT! OF COURSE HE'S FUCKING STILL ALIVE OR HE WOULDN'T BE THERE! That has to be one of the stupidest fan-fictions I have ever read! Did you know it was this bad when you were writing it? What the hell were you thinking? WERE you thinking? Did you think it was GOOD while you were writing it? Did you actually write any of that and say "Hey, that's pretty good!"? NO! Know how I know? BECAUSE NOBODY IN THEIR RIGHT MIND COULD EVER THINK ANY OF THAT SHIT WAS ANY FUCKING GOOD YOU IDIOT! The Freddy dialogue was the worst of it all! "My next team of victems"?! WHAT THE FUCK!? This HAS to be a joke, right? I mean, it's supposed to be a 'so bad it's good' thing, right? Bah, even if it is, you failed. It's just a 'so bad it's the STUPIDEST THING EVER' kinda thing. You sicken me. I sicken me for even having read this shit. Someone delete this crap, please. You're as bad as MVP
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