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Old 08-19-2005, 08:14 AM
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no mulier no mulier is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 208
On watching Inferno the first time, it seemed okay. A second viewing this year didn't quite yield the same result. The reason goes back to Hellraiser sequels after Hellbound. It doesn't seem to me like Clive Barker intended Pinhead and the Cenobites to necessarily be -evil-.

"We are demons to some, angels to others."

It was not until the third installment that the idea of good and evil crept in. Since then, it's been nothing but story after story of trying to close the box to send Pinhead back to where he came from because he is evil and will rule the world...except for Hellseeker, that is.

Originally posted by StaggerLee
For my opinion, Hellseeker is a load of least there's Ashley Laurence in Hellseeker, which I found interesting, although her part is not that big and the whole "reunion" scene with Pinhead is pretty silly.
The film revisits Pinhead's relationship with Ashley Laurence and just as he was keen on getting Frank back, he wanted Ashley's soul. Her husband was the ideal bate, who generally reminded me plenty of Frank's character. And as ever, Pinhead is there to provide the cutting and lucid realization of the truth.

Originally posted by alkytrio666
Pinhead wasn't all that he was hyped up to be. He just pretty much stood there the whole movie and looked badass, but it was the other cenobites that did the killing. I don't know. i think he's kind of overrated.
From the very first Hellraiser, Pinhead wasn't originally set up to be a -main- character. He was to be merely one of the cenobites. But since the film viewers picked up on his charisma (ahem), they had to bring him to the fore. Now being the head Cenobite, he understandably does not do the actual slicing and dicing, but always...the best lines are his.

Originally posted by crippler666
I have pointed out before Michael never died (Halloween 8 explained the decapatation scene).
Ahem. Halloween Resurrection was a load of crap, in my opinion. A desperate attempt to milk the shrunken cow for all it's worth. Absolutely the lamest conjured up story I've heard. Ever. I can only wonder what they have in store for Halloween 9...
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