Thread: "Film Flubs"
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Old 05-27-2005, 06:28 AM
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Vodstok Vodstok is offline
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Galaxy quest has a mistake that isnt really noticeable at first, but once you see it, it is almost unforgiveable.

When they are getting the Berilium sphere and rolling it, you see tony shalub. Then, in the next shot, he has a wrinkled paper bag in his mouth. Its there for the next couple of shots, then it is gone. No explanation, it's just there and then gone.

Another thing is when Tim Allen and Sigourney Weaver are trying to stop the ship from blowing up, they run around a corner, and there are "Choppy, crushy" things. Althopugh the audio says "well Screw That!", Sigourney's mouth VERY clearly says "Well Fuck that!" I guess they wanted a pg-13 rating...
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