Thread: U2 vertigo tour
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Old 04-05-2005, 10:47 AM
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Music is very subjective, so I would never ridicule someone's particular taste. That being said......"POP"......ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME.

Only funning wit ya.
I've been to three U2 concerts, the last one was a month after 9/11. It was a very moving experiance and a lot of the songs took on a whole new meaning.

As far as Bono goes, I don't pay much attention to musicians politics.If they want to try to win the Noble Peace be it. It nice to see someone with fame and fortune doing something positive.
The first albums were indeed some of their best, October and Boy are still very listenable. They lost track a bit after Achtung Baby, but came back pretty strong with All You Can't Leave Behind. The new one is not as good IMO.
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