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Old 01-05-2004, 12:11 PM
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bunn100 bunn100 is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: England
Posts: 107
well that is cool everyone has their own tastes which is good. But for me I would much rather pick up a Asian film then watch anything out of america or europe.

As far as comedy in horror movies (and again this is only my personal opinion) I do not think it is necessary, it all depends what mood you want to set.

But if it wasnt for asia right now my dvd collection would never be added to I can honestly say that in the last 5 years there has only been 3 films I wanted to buy which came out of hollywood but I have bought about 25 asian films in the last 2 years lol.

But that is why I love this forum everyone has their own likes/dislikes and opinions and you can learnt a lot from that.
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