Thread: KingKong
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Old 02-09-2005, 09:47 PM
Gojira Gojira is offline
Evil Dead
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LOL thats funny RedDragon Harryhausen saying he felt they left out the fantasy aspect in the 1933 movie LOL what do you call Dinosaurs in KingKong 1933 REALITY LOL. If there is anything wrong about the original 1933 classic KingKong movie it would be how Kong is seen to be diffrent sizes in the movie. Example Kong is 50 ft tall which is fine and dandy but the scene when Kong fights Tyrannosarus Rex looks great except that T-Rex is 20 ft tall not 50 ft so either Kong shrank 30 ft or T-Rex grew 30 ft. Thats the 1st mistake the 2nd mistake in the movie is when you see Kong chained up in a theatre again this seen looks awesome Except How do you fit a 50 ft tall Gorilla in a theatre? I hope Peter Jacksons movie wont have these mistakes in his new movie. I dont mind watching a movie that has a 15 meter tall Gorilla in it at all.
David Nunez Gojira11354
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