Thread: Ginger Snaps
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Old 10-15-2003, 09:16 PM
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roguesblight roguesblight is offline
Evil Dead
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No sh*t, man! She's knocking the hand that feeds her? Why would ya bad-mouth your source of income! Doesn't she have any loyalty to her "Boss" (so-to-speak)? I believe you should always be loyal to your employer, and as an actress(or an actor) your employer would be your current project and the makers of the current project, and for actor/actresses that would include the genre that they CHOOSE to act in!! Note that I said CHOOSE!!! Because they CHOOSE what movies or projects they WANT to do! So why does she CHOOSE that genre and then knock it? DON'T MAKE SENSE TO ME!!!!!!! :confused: :( :confused:
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Ooopssorry so windy in this reply!  It just struck me odd and I had to comment!!! 
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