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Old 10-14-2003, 08:08 PM
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freddy101 freddy101 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Auburn, AL
Posts: 48
I thought that the movie was very clever and well written to get both the dream realm and the real world to co-exist and mesh well together. The ending was left at a even draw because of the ties to both franchises. I am all for Freddy winning and fully think that he could kick Jason's butt from hell to crystal lake. He is smarter and more diabolical then Jason could ever hope to be....Jason is just a mindless killing machine that is still driven by fear (as pointed out by Freddy in Jason's dreams).


Hey any Freddy fan in need of a real deal authentic pic signed by Freddy himself?? Let me know cuz I am going to be getting set up with Robert Englund's staff to have pics sent my way that will be signed and authenticated by Robert Englund himself!!

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