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Old 11-26-2004, 02:09 AM
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urgeok urgeok is offline

Join Date: Aug 2004
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Originally posted by The STE
So, in the long term, do you think the impact the movies had on their respective countries' movie industry will have been positive or negative?
sorry .. i had gone to bed ...(no holiday here)

In Japan there has been a positive impact for sure ..
They are really taken to horror now and with this new interest from the US they will be taking this thing as far as they can.

I know not everything is great, and there are a lot of 'samey' movies ... but i look at horror - in general - like this :

The beauty of a digital camera is that you are more apt to take hundreds of pictures. 5 or 10 will turn out to be great.
Plus you learn a lot as you go.

in the horror film industry if hardly any horrors are being made then the percentage of good ones will be low. If a lot are being made there will be a number of turds but a higher percentage of good films. Plus filmmakers will branch out and explore new ideas because even they know they cant keep producing the same junk over and over .. it will cease to be profitable.

back to the question .. in north america ... the most prolific horror makers .. well things are usually pretty stagnant. It isnt a great culture for film. Everything had been done to death and there just dont seem to be any new ideas, or anyone willing to risk filming them. I dont need to give examples .. its glaringly apparent.
Not to mention we are taking Japan as a major influence now.

That is the NA culture of business. No risks. Maybe because the economy hasnt been so great lately. Actually that is probably the largest cultural force in american film .. no one can afford the risk.

so i think in some countries the impact has been positive.
Especially the countries with room left to grow in the industry.

In america film is faltering ... its become a big fat old monster that has taken to eating itself because it is too lazy ro unable to chase anything new to consume.
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