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Old 10-13-2003, 07:13 PM
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Amelie Amelie is offline
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Originally posted by avenger00soul
Ringu was very awesome. I'm dying to see Versus and Battle Royale. And, I know it's not quite horror, but The Heroic Trio is one of the best fantasy films I've ever seen. Loved it.
I really like the Asian fantasy films, like "Bride with White Hair". They're like crazy offshoots of the supernatural martial arts movies, which I also like. "Royale" is great. Haven't seen "Versus" yet. If you see it before me, let us know how it is!

Originally posted by SCREAMERatorX
i totally agree, Amelie..
I havnt seen any japanese horror:(
... im always keen 2 watch something different, interesting and meaningful.
whats 'the Eye' all about??
"The Eye" is about a blind chick who is able to see after a cornea transplant. Unfortunately, the corneas she is given enable her to see spirits. It's a really good and really scary movie.

Another good one is "Dark Water". It's made by the same guy who did "Ringu", but I like "Water" better. It's got a ghost theme as well.

There's some stupid Asian horror too, just like anywhere. "Uzumaki" is a super-well-filmed movie with a lot of cool effects, but ultimately pointless. And don't even bother with "Evil Dead Trap 2".

One of my favorite directors is a Japanese dude named Takeshi Miike. Most of his stuff is not what you'd call horror, but I think horror fans would like him. Check out his movie "Audition" - it's definitely horror, really brutal and scary.
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